Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The prison population in the United States is a bigger issue than you think. The US has over 20% of the worlds population in prison, making us the worlds largest jailer. Prison population has also risen by 408% over the past 40 years!! Tax payers and public resources are providing money for the over population of prisoners. But clearly this money isn't being put to good use because the criminal justice system is unfair, is not cost efficient, and is not providing enough public safety.


Another current issue that concerns me is the effects of global warming. Global warming can cause many problems and already has. One of these problems is increased accelerating sea levels which is resulting in massive flooding throughout the world, especially near the gulf of Mexico. Massive floods can damage a lot of property and leaves low lying communizes in danger. Global warming can cause also cause the exact opposite of flooding, such as wild fires. Wild fires are very dangerous and hard to control. We have seen recently that wildfires are breaking out in California, destroying a lot of wildlife and leading to deforestation. If we start doing more to save the environment, we could have a better chance of reducing these problems and quite frankly saving the world.



  1. Very true Luca. What would you say to those who say that the people in jail deserve to be there.

  2. Thats crazy man!!! thats a lot of people! something should be done. is it a problem with the legal system or the people who get themselves arrested?
