Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What's your Stance?
1) I think my stance is pretty clear. I think by having money falling out of a piggy bank with the words "Tax Payers" makes it very clear where the money is coming from. Also since the money is falling into a prison that is blown up, it makes it clear that tax payers money is going into a over populated prison.
2) My poster isn't ideally what I had in mind when creating my thumbnail sketch but I am still feel it was successful. After changing certain aspects of the poster such as where the money is coming from and where the money is going, I created a better visual outcome.
3) My original thumbnail sketch had someone holding a wallet with money falling out into a normal looking prison full of many people. But after attempting to recreate that sketch I realized it didn't look as good as I imagined. So I changed the wallet to a piggy bank to display that the money is coming from tax payers banks. I also changed the original prison to a blown up prison with bars over it to emphasize the over population.
4) After reviewing the rubric, I believe that my project is the strongest in the design category. My combination of dark colors and meaningful text create a dark mood and effectively displays information about tax payers and over population of prisons. I think by writing tax payers in orange emphasizes the idea that tax payers are spending a lot of money on prisons. However I feel that I fall short in the skills and technique category. Although I used many tools that show my skills in illustrator, I feel that the image of the piggy bank is pixelated which means its not high quality. I struggled to find images of piggy banks that weren't pixelated and that that this image was the best one
5) I think the hardest aspect of this project was making sure my concept was clear and understandable. I had to change and edit many things in my poster to make sure my idea was as clear as possibly, but also creative and unique.
6) Technically, I struggled the most with making the prison look like it was expanding. I had to use many different tools to expand it and create many layers to make it look the way I envisioned it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1) I get the message. Taxes are being used for prisons which are overpopulated. The poster was clear.

    2) The design made it really clear. Would stopping the flow of illegal immigrants help this your cause? Since illegal immigrants make up more than 35% of all inmates?

  3. Your message is very clear, that prisons are wasting taxpayers money by overpopulating prisons. It is a problem and a nuisance! it sways me to take a stand against the private institutions that are in place! maybe if u added something different to the background, such as providing a setting, than it could be enhanced.
