Wednesday, December 23, 2015


1) The concept of my GIF is the evolution of me over time. I am trying to convey how I have transformed specifically over my high school years from a monkey into what I am now. I arrived at this idea because I wanted to create a GIF to show how much I have changed over time. I realized that the best way to do that would be by drawing a monkey and transforming it into me. I used a image of a monkey to enhance my idea because it was supposed to resemble the process of evolution.
3) With the use of photoshop, I was able to create a more realistic and clear GIF that has evolved from my orignal thumb post. I was able to add more detail by using different techniques to enhance the concept I was trying to display through my GIF. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Graphic design project

Explain your concept: My concept behing my project is me falling from the sky. I used the empire state building in the background as a frame of reference to display how high I am in the air. In my transformation photo, my body is transformed into multiple sizes while also being warped. 
Title: All falling 
Are you happy with your results: Due to the fact that my original transformation project was deleted off my computer and I had to create a completely new project with one day to spare, I would say I am  happy with my results. 
Step by Step: 
1) I used the image adjustment (curves) to change the brightness. 
2) I made a layer mask of my original photo of me jumping off the wooden planks to change the brightness of just me.
3) I used the magnetic lasso tool to outline the picture of me. 
4) I copied that picture of me and then pasted it on the image with me and the empire state building.
5) I did this five times which is why there are six images of me in my transformation photo.
6) I adjusted the size of the images. 
7) Finally I warped each of the images of me that I copied and pasted. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter Project Reflection: 
  • I found the process of creating my final drawing very helpful. The most helpful part of the process was making the two drafts before making the final piece and making the thumbnail sketches. I created twenty different thumbnail sketches and realized that making my letter out of guns would be my best option. All my other ideas were not that good because I felt they weren't that creative and didn't have a clear concept behind it. I thought using guns was my best idea because I was able to convey a clear meaning behind my letter which was gun violence. 
  • I thought the most logical way to visually convey my idea was by making my letter (G) out of guns. Since my concept is gun violence, I wanted to use common guns that are used in gun violence which are handguns. In order to do that, I searched up common hand guns used in gun in gun violence.  
  • The most challenging aspect of my project had to be the shading. I had to use a lot of shading to clearly show a distinct contrast between the guns and overall, use good shading to make the guns more realistic.  
  • After completing my final project I was very satisfied. The drawing came out very detailed, realistic, and over all much better than I expected. 
  • If there was one thing I could change, it would be the shading of my drawing. I wish I was able to spend more time on shading to make the guns look more realistic. I feel like my shading was very messy and incomplete, which resulted in my drawing looking a bit sloppy. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

I stayed in Fire Island with my dad, sister, and others for four days. I choose to post this because Fire Island was one of the many places I went to over the summer and it is a good visually representation of how relaxing my summer was.    

Over the summer I also went to Hong Kong for a few a days with my mom, sister, and aunt. Hong Kong was an amazing experience, and this was one of the many photos I took that I feel displays the night life in China.  

Maine was the last place I visited over the summer with my dad, sister, and others. My trip to Maine was for around a week, and during the trip I visited family friends, went to the beach, and much more. I choose this picture because I feel it represents a particular memory from the time I spent in Maine.