Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter Project Reflection: 
  • I found the process of creating my final drawing very helpful. The most helpful part of the process was making the two drafts before making the final piece and making the thumbnail sketches. I created twenty different thumbnail sketches and realized that making my letter out of guns would be my best option. All my other ideas were not that good because I felt they weren't that creative and didn't have a clear concept behind it. I thought using guns was my best idea because I was able to convey a clear meaning behind my letter which was gun violence. 
  • I thought the most logical way to visually convey my idea was by making my letter (G) out of guns. Since my concept is gun violence, I wanted to use common guns that are used in gun violence which are handguns. In order to do that, I searched up common hand guns used in gun in gun violence.  
  • The most challenging aspect of my project had to be the shading. I had to use a lot of shading to clearly show a distinct contrast between the guns and overall, use good shading to make the guns more realistic.  
  • After completing my final project I was very satisfied. The drawing came out very detailed, realistic, and over all much better than I expected. 
  • If there was one thing I could change, it would be the shading of my drawing. I wish I was able to spend more time on shading to make the guns look more realistic. I feel like my shading was very messy and incomplete, which resulted in my drawing looking a bit sloppy.